Wednesday, December 23, 2009

my first letter to santa

Dear Mr. Claus,

Your mission, if you choose to accept it (and I think you have to, since you're Santa and all), is to find playthings that Uli will enjoy more than:

  • the tub of petroleum jelly that has a lid which makes a delightful "pop" sound every time she takes it off and puts it back on and takes it off and puts it back on and takes it off and puts it back on and takes it off and puts it back on and takes it off and puts it back on and takes it off and puts it back on...
  • Lula & Ruby's shiny stainless steel dog food dishes that clang and ring when you smack them together and are stackable and smell of kibble.

Santa, we have been hard-pressed to find other equally exciting toys that are covered in less dog-slobber and aren't called for in make-your-own-Nix recipes. So we're leaving it up to you.

We will understand if all you can think of are new dog bowls and a larger tub of Vasaline.  


Uli's Mommy


Anonymous December 23, 2009 at 1:49 PM  

LOL, that is a great letter:) It was hard to find things B likes better than Daddy's water bottle.

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